

Sabtu, 16 April 2011

i'm without them

feel alone, lonely , hurt , wait, and numb

me, when i'm with him and them

aku + bestly + him = haapy

my medicine

my life,,,, pernah dengar dengan yang namanya obat??? pasti kebanyakan dari kalian akan mengira obat itu hanya ada di apotik dan akan di gunakan oleh orang sakit. nyatanya semua salah, obat bukan hanya itu, obat adalah sesuatau yang akan membuat kalian merasa lebih baik. dan dalam hidup ini aku juga mempunyai obat, xenosaga adalah obatku begitu juga loefist dan saghabat sahabat-ku. saat kalin mulai dewasa dan belajar maka kalian akan mengetahuia apa itu kesulitan hidup, merasakan numb, pain, suck, hurt love and anything like i feel now.

did you ever feel that you there in the wrong place? i feel it now, i dunno how to tell it as well but you'll feel it someday. and now i need my medicine. yeah my bestly and my boy, really i want them to stay with me they are the best one for me and they are the best medicine ever. they made mw feel alive and free as bird. guys i need you, i love you ...

my new skecth

hey, do you knwo what i drew? yup it is a chair, in my class, i was draw it in math class, you know what this picture mean?

there's only one chair here with a broken wall and broken book, can you see.. how if this chair is human? so if it you what you feel if you be that chair??

num picture,,,, when i'm feeling so nub i just can be like this


hey there guys, :) i got a new news about a new books in my shelves, yup stargazer, the next story of evernight, you better know that bianca become so silly here, you know thought that she still confuse to chose lucas or blathazar. i thought tha she got a feeling too with blathazar although maybe she never show it as well like she show her feeling to lucas. well i like this story even lucas too, he is the one of my favorite, bianca got break up for a while with lucas but finally their love could be strong and in the end bianca just join in black cross too :D